Basic Information

Name: June
Nicknames: Juju, Junebug
Physical Age: Four to Five years
Birthdate: Unknown
Gender: Female
Species: Faerie/Xink Crossbreed
Tree(s): Magnetism
Rank(s): Beginner Mage
Occupation: Student at Ulreich University
Height: 3'6"
Weight: 40 lbs.

Detailed Information

Little June has incredibly thick hair for her age, as pure white as a sheep's wool. It hangs long and uncut most of the time, and contradicts her already pale complexion. In addition to her deceptively sickly surface appearance, her body is also naturally pretty thin and scrawny, only adding to the malnourished effect. Small, only because of her age, but with big wide dark blue eyes that seem full of wonder, a cute button nose, a pair of rosy round cheeks, and a nice little mouth full of sharp teeth. The rounded shape of her head and her facial features makes her look even less threatening and absolutely adorable.

Since the woman that shops for June's own tastes crosses between New World style and Old World mage style, she'll often be seen in both. Mostly pants and long shirt-dresses. If she's wearing an actual dress she'll always insist on having some form of long stocking to at least make it look like she's wearing trousers. As for the color of her clothing, it will most likely always be some shade of blue, since blue is her absolute favorite color.

Like most toddlers, she is very excite-able and easily pleased as well as impressed. While she is still easy to sway, she has an unusual distrust for strangers that makes her sometimes hard to catch or get along with. While not the least bit shy, she will close herself off and build a solid wall between herself and someone else if she has any reason to believe she shouldn't trust them.


Metal Beads
A small coin-purse sized baggie--could fit in the palm of the average human--full of about fifty tiny metal beads half the size of a typical human pinkie fingernail. Each individual bead is only iron in toughness.

Metal Plated Shoes
A pair of cute little buckled shoes that were originally intended for tap dancing. The soles of the shoes are actually two iron grade layers of flat metal held together by a small metallic clip contraption. By tapping the toe of her shoe against the ground she can unclip the metal soles from each other, leaving one still attached to her foot and the other free to be used with her abilities.

History & Lore

Racial Abilities



Lore Behind the Faerie Realms

Magic always existed across realities, shaping and forming worlds, causing creatures to adapt during evolution and take all new heights. Among these realms, there was one species that was as common as magic itself, and that species was known as the Human Race. Humans had the ability to access magic from the beginning--they developed mana pools within their body--but they never became aware of their own potential. They had to be helped, and eventually they were, but that's a story for another time.

While humans began populating different worlds and started becoming the most common species in existence, their mana went unused and began building up. Then explorers and breeders became dreamers, and their nights were filled with images of objects and events they strongly desired. Their built up mass of unused mana began responding to their dreams. Influenced by the strong desires and emotions of humans, the Faerie Realms were born. It was like a paradise, a world of perfection and balance, where horror lived in harmony with content happiness.

Pretty soon a whole new dimension was formed in parallel to all the worlds humans occupied, and a physical place wasn't the only thing their desires formed; eventually an indigenous people were born. These were the first Fae-kind, awaking with a preset purpose and fate, already a specific age, gender, appearance. Of course, they were all beautiful regardless of their fate and their gender.

The first Faeries banded together to create a split government and formed the foundation and support that would still uphold their world to this day if it wasn't for the war that destroyed them all.

June's Story

Copper was formed by the Dream as a Magnetism Practitioner, and the Path she was set on was to be a warrior. Most of her life was spent training under some of the strongest and most powerful mages across the Faerie Realms. She was a Western Sidhe who spent her days wondering whether the East was going to attack the West and vice versa. When the Demonic and Angelic wars broke out over the land, she led an army to the slaughter. The Faeries had no idea that the beings invading them were as powerful as they turned out to be, and so when the Demonics won the war and took over the land, almost all of her comrades were killed. Because she was female and she had a very peculiar magic type that the Demonics desperately wanted to use, they kept her alive as a personal slave, doing their best to make her into a mindless Corrupted zombie. During her captivity her body was used as much as it was abused and eventually she was found to be with child. She gave birth to little June and at first rejected her because of the cause of pregnancy, but eventually her motherly instincts overthrew her stubborn hatred and she did the best she could for the babe.

Soon after June had just learned to walk and talk, the method of Corruption on Copper had succeeded, but because she had a child even her base animalistic instincts made her very hard to control, so while the baby escaped during one of her mother's frenzies, Copper was put down for good. The time June spent alone in the world was short, she managed to sneak around the many horrible creatures that lurked within the wilds of the Faerie Realms and even stumbled across a thick forest. Therein she found a little abandoned cottage that, unbeknownst to her, belonged to the great Revolutionist named Gossamer, who returned to her home world one day to find the tiny child hiding on her roof.

After being taken under Gossamer's big Butterfly wing, the tiny mutt was introduced to Ulreich University where she now safely resides away from any Xink captivity.

Faerie Racials

Mana Sensitivity
The Fae-kind are very sensitive to auras and mana, allowing them to feel or see when another being is drawing from their mana pool or activating their mana in general. (Only when not being specifically hidden by a spell or other various means on purpose)

Enhanced Speed
The body of the Fae-kind is light, petite, and athletic. They can move double the speed of the average human and the strongest Fae's speeds can rival that of a hummingbird's.

Enhanced Flexibility
Their bodies are as flexible as they are light, allowing them to contort their shapes into absurd formations. Something someone would expect to see in a circus act.

Burning Calories
The Fae-kind eat thousands upon thousands of calories on purpose and burn them off very quickly. Physical sugary foods is said to help their mental and magic stability, often allowing them slightly faster mana regeneration than what is average if consumed when their mana-pool is either completely drained or close to it.

Hidden Wings
Tribal-like wing markings cover the backs of the Fae-kind. These tribal markings cause their natural magical auras to manifest into the general shape of wings behind them. They cannot be used for flight or as extra limbs and are purely aesthetic.

Xink Racials

Natural born Xinks age with increase--and sometimes even decrease--in magical power. The higher ranked a Xink is, the older they get. Their bodies do not fully mature until they reach the highest natural rank they can attain, causing a majority of their race to appear very young. The elders mostly appear only around their mid-twenties!

Magic Bones
Xinks carry their mana in their bones, and their bones in themselves are completely translucent, which allows them to be all sorts of colors since the mana is very distinctly visible. Likewise, their natural bone density is as tough as iron and take almost twice the normal recovery time it would take the average human to heal from fractures and breaks.

Mana Membrane
Where their spine converts to a tail at its base and exits the body, it forms an exoskeletal three-foot tail. The bones on the outside are just as dense as the ones on the inside (iron toughness) and are also translucent, allowing mana to be visible. These tails end in a spaded tip that starts soft when they're babies and grows hard as they age (always iron, that never changes). A Xink's tail acts as mana central, the membrane that allows them to use their mana at all. If it is removed their magic ability is crippled, and in some cases even causes death.

Mana Manipulation; Universal Spells

"The most basic class of magic, involving the direct manipulation of Mana, is available to all mages. Raw Mana is a mundane source of magic with no special qualities, but offers some level of versatility. The amount of Mana a mage is capable of replenishing or expelling is dependent on their overall level. (Most spells taught in class are under this tree. Spells taught in class must be on your character sheet, and any alterations or upgrades to taught spells must be discussed with a professor.)"

Mana Spark
A basic mana projectile that can be used offensively or defensively. ​It causes no real damage other than a small sting when hit directly in the flesh.

Mana Weave
The simple act of moving one's mana pool through their own body. Channeling one's mana.

Forcient: Magnetics (Beginner Mage)

"Forcient is a tree which focuses on the physical constants and laws of the universe, and how one may manipulate these constants and laws to suit their agenda. Forcient is divided into three different branches, each of which controls a small array of forces. Magnetism, as it's name suggests, primarily focuses on the manipulation/creation of magnetic charges. A mage under this study manipulates positive and negative charges to their advantage, magnetizing objects which could not be magnetized by normal procedures. This tree may also be used to telepathically control certain metals, and even use minor electrical attacks. A mage of high ranking in this tree may even gain access to the electromagnetic spectrum, manipulating light at a very small scale."

Paige Spells

Basic Change: Magnetic Charge
This spell allows the caster to manipulate the charge between objects that already have a charge, so long as they have come in physical contact with her body and remain within ten feet of her. If the charge attracts she can shift it to repulse, and vice versa. This only works on objects up to half her own size and weight at the most (she is currently 3'4" and 40 lbs). If the attraction/repulsion between the objects is stronger than tin (scales to iron at mage) she cannot manipulate the charge.
The highest number of objects she can currently use this spell on at one time is only two (when reaching the rank of mage she will be able to have up to five different magnetically charged objects like this under her spell).
Magnetic objects attracted or repulsed from one another can only reach speeds of a ball tossed by the average human, and cannot travel more than ten feet from each other.

The caster creates a basic aura around her body that produces an attraction based magnetic field. This field allows her to slowly draw any singular tin grade object toward her (20 lbs at the most and no bigger than her own body in size, scales to iron at Mage, and by Mage she can draw three items toward herself instead of just one) that is within a ten foot radius of her body and has already been in physical contact with her recently (within the last two post rotations, scales up to within the last three at Mage) at least once.

Clipped In
June is able to take two metallic objects (no larger than 10 pounds) and connect them together. They will remain magnetically charged (tin grade attraction that scales to iron at Mage) until touched by any other magical projectiles, or when forcibly knocked away from each other over a distance larger than fifteen feet.

Elementalism: Electromancy

"Often seen as the most primal or basic form of magic, Elementalists tap into one of six different elements to produce their magic. Each possesses a different mana type, and may use their spells to generate their chosen element. Electromancy is the control of electricity. Sometimes able to tap into magnetism."

Soon to come, not yet available.