The Aeromancer

Physical Age:

June 10th

Magic Tree:

Tree Guardian
Elemental Host

♒ Details
♒ History
♒ Culture
♒ Equipment
♒ Racials
♒ Universals
♒ Aeromancy

Height: 5'7" // Weight: 120 lbs.


While fairly average in height for a "human" body, she seems rather light weight and frail, at least when wearing clothing. Her bare flesh exposes plenty of hard muscle, and while it's nothing in comparison to those who religiously work their bodies to actively achieve peak physical strength, it's still obviously more than average. Tiny but nicely shaped, with a defined hourglass figure and decent-but-average bust, rear, and thighs, Sky's physical shape is definitely incredibly feminine. Her face is defined by rounded cheeks, which are contrasted by a sharp jaw. Generally oval in shape, it still retains very symmetrical and arguably "pretty" features, with a slightly upturned button nose, full lips, and wide youthful eyes. Her skin is smooth and very pale, while long and strictly straight lavender hair falls over her shoulders. Her eyes are a similar shade of purple, but have an almost chromatic glow to them that makes them seem almost metallic.


There's a distinct air about her (Haha!) that seems almost regal. Sky carries herself with incredible grace and dexterity, and while she can come off as cold from a distance, it is unintentional. The ancient spirit of the Air Elemental residing within her and occupying her as her literal "soul" is incredibly naive and almost innocent, knowing nothing except the traditions and rituals of its home. She can be very blunt, direct, and unaware of the feelings of those around her. Sky is rarely intentionally rude, spending her many lives in a sheltered environment led her to be incredibly prim, proper, and blissfully unaware that others were not given the same upbringing.


Here comes that term "prim and proper" again. Her attire varies greatly based on the current situation of her surroundings, but is always incredibly modest. She fancies flat soles over heels, leggings or thick tights under short things like dresses and skirts, long button up dress shirts, and even suit-like jackets. The colors of her attire will widely vary based on her current situation and environment as well.

Height: 5'7" // Weight: 120 lbs.


While fairly average in height for a "human" body, she seems rather light weight and frail, at least when wearing clothing. Her bare flesh exposes plenty of hard muscle, and while it's nothing in comparison to those who religiously work their bodies to actively achieve peak physical strength, it's still obviously more than average. Tiny but nicely shaped, with a defined hourglass figure and decent-but-average bust, rear, and thighs, Sky's physical shape is definitely incredibly feminine. Her face is defined by rounded cheeks, which are contrasted by a sharp jaw. Generally oval in shape, it still retains very symmetrical and arguably "pretty" features, with a slightly upturned button nose, full lips, and wide youthful eyes. Her skin is smooth and very pale, while long and strictly straight lavender hair falls over her shoulders. Her eyes are a similar shade of purple, but have an almost chromatic glow to them that makes them seem almost metallic.


There's a distinct air about her (Haha!) that seems almost regal. Sky carries herself with incredible grace and dexterity, and while she can come off as cold from a distance, it is unintentional. The ancient spirit of the Air Elemental residing within her and occupying her as her literal "soul" is incredibly naive and almost innocent, knowing nothing except the traditions and rituals of its home. She can be very blunt, direct, and unaware of the feelings of those around her. Sky is rarely intentionally rude, spending her many lives in a sheltered environment led her to be incredibly prim, proper, and blissfully unaware that others were not given the same upbringing.


Here comes that term "prim and proper" again. Her attire varies greatly based on the current situation of her surroundings, but is always incredibly modest. She fancies flat soles over heels, leggings or thick tights under short things like dresses and skirts, long button up dress shirts, and even suit-like jackets. The colors of her attire will widely vary based on her current situation and environment as well.

Birth of a "Hero"

Many many years ago, in the ancient times of a world parallel to our own but very different, various magical trees were planted by two god-like and powerful beings. They were the epitomes, the core centers of the kinds of magic power they were planted to give in the first place, and from them the Elemental Guardians were born. Sky herself had her own body once upon a time, created by the same gods who planted these magical trees as a Guardian of its power, meant to protect it from those who would misuse it. She was one of many among her brethren, who were all handmade with bodies of their own, a collective that lived together in harmony and shared the same purpose in life.

While their people were still young and their tribes were still being established, a great war and a terrible tragedy wiped them all out. In order to make sure they could keep their protective vigil around their trees, their creators ordered their own "right hand man" so to speak--a powerful entity known commonly as The Wisp Queen--to allow their spirits to inhabit human host bodies and fuse with the host body soul, giving them eternal life in a sense and allowing them to "reincarnate" or pass on to another host after death. This strange tradition continued for generations until a harsh split formed between Tree Guardians, humans, and magical beasts in general. Due to racism and prejudice, as well as yet another war that had been brewing outside of their homelands, the Elementals agreed to keep watch in spirit but refused to continue their tradition of taking human hosts as outlets and living mediums for their own magic potential.

Another Elemental Guardian by the name of Topaz and her eternal lover, Onyx, did not agree with the segregation's existence whatsoever and fled their homelands to continue the old ways, finding themselves trapped instead in our modern human world. The success of their escape did not bode well for the Elders that governed this sect of Guardians, who were losing control of their own people as a strong rebellion blossomed. More and more were returning to their old habits, and although they would be caught and reprimanded as long as Onyx and Topaz remained successful the people would still act out against the system. In order to put an end to this, special clearance was provided to Sky, allowing her to possess the developing infant within an impregnated woman of her choosing to be born and raised among the humans. This was, of course, a very closely watched operation where the Air Elemental was only allowed to follow a very specific plan set out for her by her superiors, which demanded she devote her human host's life entirely to physical and magical training. Once her physique reached a point that satisfied them, she was released to study the magical arts and re-learn all the amazing spells she'd developed over her many lifetimes.

Sky was sent to a mysterious establishment known as Ulreich University, where she continues to train, preparing for the day when she will fight the pair of lovers and destroy their hosts, bringing them back home in shackles. Every criminal must be served justice, this is a mission she does not take lightly.

Their Ways of Life

Political Power
"The Elders" are a group of Elemental Guardians appointed by their creators at their "births" to lead their people. They form a sort of Council, one from each Element, that represent their own specific tree, holding meetings and voting on actions much like a Congress. These leaders are only changed if they die or are convicted of crime, and their replacements are always appointed by their gods.

The Agenda
Due to the cruelty of absorbing the soul of a human host and taking their place entirely, the Elders have gone to the opposite extreme and done everything in their power to ban their people from taking hosts at all. They push overwheling propoganda and punishment, forcing the views of their people to change in order to match their own. Now taking on a host is considered dirty despite all its benefits, and is only allowed for very specific reasons and cases.

As eternal and ageless spirits, their vow-based laws have been made incredibly strict, especially those surrounding marriage. While a typical vow or promise that is not upheld is met with humiliation and torture, the breaking of marital vows in any way (especially adultery) counts as high treason and is ended in death. Promises and word-binds are not taken lightly in the slightest, and marriage is not encouraged unless one is absolutely certain they wish to spend their lives with their chosen partner.

Social Hierarchy
Elemental Guardians do not rely on money whatsoever, instead their social classes are divided by seniority. The longer a spirit has existed, the "wealthier" and higher praise they receive. This also accounts for their brethren who live on in memory rather than actual life. As long as the people remember a fallen one of their own, their hypothetical "life" continues on. The longer they have been alive and remembered, the more respected and treasured their past existence is considered.

As body-less spirits, they possess no true gender stereotypes or social standards. Elementals can identify as they please (no matter what genitalia their birth bodies possessed) freely without experiencing any unfair advantages or disadantages alike. Gender is considered unimportant until the need or desire for reproduction arises, in which a female is given more attention and care as she carries the offspring to term.


A medium sized hard-cover suitcase carrying all her essentials, from typical feminine things like make-up and hair care products, to necessities like clothing and shoes.

A small book bag with shoulder straps that holds a few scrolls from her home and a journal. Intended more for using on potential long trips away from Campus, small enough not to slow her down but big enough to hold a change of clothing and some food or water if needed.

High Mage Medium

A traditional Asian-style fan that is made of Titanium rather than soft felts or wood, with a very sharp bladed edge arching over the top. It folds neatly just like any other hand-held fan. In addition to being used as a "conduit" for Sky to cast her spells through, this particular tessen has a special secret: its thick sturdy girth can snap in half to become two separate and thinner versions of itself, or simply remain in its normal singular attached-together mode (Titanium grade).When passively closed or “sheathed” the rectangular item is usable as a knife/dagger (about 9-and-a-half inches from base to tip).
Major Aeromancy Aspect
When the opened blade of the tessen succeeds in making a cut into a substance or surface (assuming it is capable of doing so within its durability restrictions) the caster may channel additional mana through it, causing pockets of air to stream into the created opening along the blade’s edge and triggering a small explosion of air pressure. While the resulting titanium-rendering burst is only roughly equal in size to a basketball its function serves to drastically increase the cut’s size, warping the incision further with the intent of making repair (or healing) much more difficult.
Minor Aeromancy Aspect
If Ir’agaar is channeled full of mana with specific intent to tether the caster to it, a transparent rope comprised entirely of compacted air is constructed, attaching her middle to the weapon’s base. This allows her to throw the weapon, or direct it to sink into a surface, where it remains stationary until physically knocked out or intentionally removed. The tether shortens and lengthens depending on the distance between caster and Medium, stretching at a maximum of thirty feet. When willed to do so, the tether between them will suddenly pull the caster at x2 physical movement speed (stacking cap of x4), closing the distance between them fast. This can also be used to pull the weapon back to the caster. If contested, the air tether behaves like an iron grade physical construct.
Basic Medium Buff
Wielding this Medium in its fully open state passively grants the caster better control when contested by air-based friction and force. This translates specifically into the body’s movement when airborne, allowing them to move and function as though they were still firmly planted on the ground. However it is important to keep in mind that this ability is not a flight or hover ability, merely an enhancer to those already existing. Should flight be disrupted in any way/by any means this buff no longer applies.

Elemental Guardian Racials

Eternal Life
Unless actively killed or destroyed, the Elementals can live on and on. They do not age nor can they die from natural causes, including nonmagic poisons, toxins, etc. They feel no hunger or thirst, and are technically wandering undead souls. It is possible for them to die, most certainly, but only by the hands of fellow mages. (IMPORTANT NOTE: This pertains to the spirits of Elementals only. Their host bodies are not bound by the same laws and are limited to the host’s own limitations. In this case the host body is human, so it’s still affected by all the aforementioned things the spirit of the Elemental is immune to. In the case of a host body’s death, the spirit acts as a defenseless enemy, and is completely vulnerable to death if soul destroying magic is successfully implemented against it. Should this be achieved the spirit will be erased from existence.)

Host Possession
As spirits themselves, the Elementals can inhabit the same space in living beings that their own souls inhabit, assuming those living beings have souls of course. Their influence on their host is very minimal, and while they cannot have complete control they can act like a voice of conscience, quietly whispering in the mind to encourage some things or discourage others. Until the souls actually fuse together, their influence lies entirely in the power of suggestion.
While it is possible to completely fuse the souls of the Elemental and its host at birth, this can only be done in special circumstances with other Elementals influencing the nature of the possession. It is considered very controversial, as in that case the host would never be able to develop its own personality, and the child would be born with only the Elemental's personality and memories. Sky has been fused with her host soul since birth, making her consciousness the only one residing within the host body. If the Elemental spirit is destroyed before the host, either the host will lose all magic ability permanently or die themselves (depending on cause of death, in the case of complete fusion the host will become a soulless shell).

Chains of a Mortal Coil
Once a host body has been chosen, it cannot be abandoned or left (unless forcibly removed by powerful magic) until that host body dies. Every time a host passes away and a new one must be chosen, the spirit must start from the beginning and rise up through the ranks all over again. (Death of the character means that IF the replacement character slot is taken by the another host of the same Elemental Spirit, they MUST start over at Paige and work their way up.)

Natural Weakness
Magics specifically designed to target the soul are effective against Elemental Guardians. x2 weakness to Soul Fire and Spirit Force (if Spirit Force is used with harmful intent instead of healing).

An Elemental Spirit cannot be detected by those who can see or communicate with spirits just with base racials, a spirit sensory spell (any tree, any rank) in some shape or form is required to be able to detect their presence within their hosts at all. For those like Sky who are completely fused, she will always appear to be the sole owner of the body she claims.

Elemental Host Racials

Increased Dexterity
Her quite literal "dexterity" and physical balance, is twice as capable and efficient as that of the average human's. (x2)

Increased Speed
Both her mental processing/perceiving speeds and her physical speeds are twice as fast as the average human's. (x2)

"Aero" Resistance
When harmful gaseous substances are released into the air, if they are completely natural with no magic they will have absolutely no effect on Sky. She is also twice as resistant to magical gaseous substances as the average human (x2 resistance to magical airborne toxins, specifically in damaging effects and her ability to withstand it, has nothing to do with rank requirements or post limitations/required rotations for effects).

While it is certainly strange, every Aeromancer Guardian's host through history has been given the gift of natural flight, without wings or any visible source. Legend says the Air Elementals are so lighthearted and high-spirited it gains physical manifestation when combined with human capacities for passion and emotion, and is given life.
Flight is a term used loosely, however, as the ability cannot allow the host body to hover higher than twenty feet above the ground. Falling from even greater heights can interfere with this, momentum gathered over time from falling further than fifty feet will override the body’s glide capacity. Hitting the ground would be a lot less forcible than a normal person falling, but it could still injure / kill in certain circumstances.
While they can seemingly glide through the air with ease, they will always make a gradual descent until reaching the ground again. They gain no benefit, and experience no physical movement loss while "flying," remaining at their own base stat (which is x2 speed, movement through the air drains as much stamina as running on the ground). They cannot, however, change their body's momentum mid air without some kind of external force whether it be magical or physical.

Mana Manipulation; Universal Spells

"The most basic class of magic, involving the direct manipulation of Mana, is available to all mages. Raw Mana is a mundane source of magic with no special qualities, but offers some level of versatility. The amount of Mana a mage is capable of replenishing or expelling is dependent on their overall level. (Most spells taught in class are under this tree. Spells taught in class must be on your character sheet, and any alterations or upgrades to taught spells must be discussed with a professor.)"

Natural Aura
The natural aura that emits from her whenever she utilizes her mana pool and activates a spell is not considered "normal." While most mages emit a color or something similar that wraps harmlessly around their own bodies, Sky's possesses no visual aesthetic. Instead, she emits a very slight and harmless puff of air from her body that can only be truly felt when standing in close proximity to her.

Mana Weave
The simple act of moving one's mana pool through their own body. Channeling one's mana.

Mana Spark
A basic mana projectile that can be used offensively or defensively. It causes no real damage other than a small sting when hit directly in the flesh.

Elementalism; Aeromancy (High Mage)

"Often seen as the most primal or basic form of magic, Elementalists tap into one of six different elements to produce their magic. Each possesses a different mana type, and may use their spells to generate their chosen element. Aeromancy is the control over wind, and sometimes other gasses/smoke."

Paige Spells

Aerial Sweep
The caster uses their magic to enhance the minimal windforce projected by the fast and harsh movements of a physical object through the air, whether this be a limb, weapon, or held item. The result creates a 5x5 foot curving “wall” of pure wind force capable of breaking through tin durabilities (scales to Iron by Mage rank) and lightly pushing backward physical objects that weigh 100lbs. at the most (assuming they aren’t braced or tied securely in place). The wind force can only travel up to ten feet away from the caster at moderate speeds.

Vortexing Current
Surrounding air is drawn toward any of the caster’s limbs (can only be used on one at a time, but the caster automatically unlocks the ability to create up to two at a time upon reaching the rank of Mage) until it chaotically spirals around to create a violent vortex equal in girth to the limb it’s wrapped around. The vortex in its passive state just extends the length of the chosen limb it’s activated on, but in exchange for extra mana it can be lengthened to extend suddenly (and harshly) five extra feet out from the limb’s end. Resetting the length back to its passive state so it can be shot outward again, and the act of extending its length in a harsh shot, are separate mana costs respectively. The spiraling winds are capable of both standing against and ripping through things of up to tin durability depending on how they’re used (Scales to Iron by Mage rank, does not do any pushing / air move damage against targets. Against unprotected flesh it would twist and knot muscles, creating injury, but would not destroy/mortally wound a person). This spell can be upheld for multiple rotations, but continuously drains the mana pool.

Aura of Hermes
The caster uses their mana type to form a thin aura of magical air around their body, decreasing aerial friction/weight and as a result adding an increase to their physical speed (x1.5 with a stacking cap of x2.5, scales to x2 at Mage rank with a stacking cap of x3). Aura of Hermes remains active for two rotations and requires a rotation of cool down before it can be used again.

Mage Spells

Aerial Sweep (Upgrade)
The caster uses their magic to enhance the minimal windforce projected by the fast and harsh movements of a physical object through the air, whether this be a limb, weapon, or held item. The result creates either a 5x5 or 10x10 foot curving “wall” of pure wind force (caster chooses which measurement upon casting, cannot be changed once fired, smaller size costs less mana) capable of breaking through Iron durabilities (scales to Cobalt by Expert Mage rank) and harshly pushes backward physical objects that weigh 200lbs. at the most (assuming they aren’t braced or tied securely in place) up to fifteen feet back. The wind force can only travel up to fifteen feet away from the caster at moderate speeds.

Aerial Slice
Much like its similarly named counterpart, Aerial Slice uses windforce projected by the fast and harsh movements of a physical object through the air--whether the source be a limb, weapon, or held item--but the results are a little different. Instead of a “wall” this spell forms an arching thin blade of wind, which can be anywhere between five feet and ten feet tall (caster chooses its size upon casting, cannot be changed once fired, smaller sizes cost less mana) and is capable of slicing through durabilities up to Iron (scaling to Cobalt by Expert Mage). This 1 foot wide projectile trades the knockback aspects of its sibling spell for greater speed and distance, allowing it to travel up to twenty feet away from the caster before deactivating automatically at slightly-greater-than-moderate speeds.

Vortexing Current (Upgrade)
Surrounding air is drawn toward any of the caster’s limbs (can only be used on two at a time, but the caster automatically unlocks the ability to create up to four at a time upon reaching the rank of Expert Mage) until it chaotically spirals around to create a violent vortex equal in girth to the limb it’s wrapped around. The vortex in its passive state just spans the length of the chosen limb it’s activated on, but in exchange for extra mana it can be lengthened to extend suddenly (and harshly) up to ten extra feet out from the limb’s end. Resetting the length back to its passive state so it can be shot outward again, and the act of extending its length in a harsh shot, are separate mana costs respectively. The spiraling winds are capable of both standing against and ripping through things of up to Iron durability depending on how they’re used (scales to Cobalt by Expert Mage rank, does not do any pushing / air move damage against targets. Against unprotected flesh it would twist and knot muscles drastically but not rip through limbs/flesh). This spell can be upheld for multiple rotations, but continuously drains the mana pool.

Aura of Hermes (Upgrade)
The caster uses their mana type to form a thin aura of magical air around their body, decreasing aerial friction/weight and as a result adding an increase to their physical speed (x2 with a stacking cap of x3, scales to x3 at Expert Mage rank with a stacking cap of x4). Additionally this spell now creates a suit of pressurized air around the caster’s body that is capable of withstanding up to one iron grade physical/solid attack (or equivalent, scaling to Cobalt at Expert Mage); when this takes place absorbing the hit also brings her to a complete stop, retaining the speed but losing all momentum/inertia/acceleration in the process. This does not mean that lesser ranked attacks making contact with this protective coating have no effect, regardless of the opposing spell’s rank if it manages to hit the caster it will drop the speed buff by 1 multiplier for the attack’s duration, allowing her to return to fully buffed speeds once the opposing spell reaches its conclusion. Breaking the pressure suit does not cancel out the speed buff, but since the buff itself decreases aerial friction opposing Aeromancy (and spells from other trees applicable) that deal specifically in physical force or windforce will be extra effective for its duration. Aura of Hermes remains active for four rotations and requires a rotation of cool down before it can be used again.

Flight Aid
Small spheres roughly the size of baseballs that the caster can only form against the soles of their feet or shoes (by extension suggesting up to two can be formed at once since the individual in question only has two feet). They’re compacted swirling currents that essentially act as “hover skates” allowing the caster to move up to twenty feet above ground, or the nearest applicable surface that can hold her weight, in a fashion reminiscent of roller skating, reducing the physical strain associated with her flight abilities while still allowing the freedom of fast movement. Despite being orbs of moving air they have the same structural integrity as constructs of their rank, placing them at Iron on the durability scale (scaling to Cobalt at Expert Mage) meaning they can be broken. This spell uses continuous mana drain as long as it’s active, but the orbs can be sacrificed for a specific purpose. They can be fired as non-offensive projectiles (meaning they have no offensive qualities and can’t be used offensively), traveling at moderate speeds up to thirty feet away. If they manage to make contact with a physical surface when in this state they will fuse together and expand into a cushiony air pocket, meant to catch a falling individual and save them from the harm of solid impact against the earth. Granted the resulting 10x10 foot air pocket only accounts for fall distance up to thirty feet, it won’t work for any greater distances whatsoever. It’s also important to note that not only does this effect require the sacrifice of both orbs (deactivating the air skate effect entirely) but the air cushion only lasts for up to two rotations after its formation, behaves like a construct when contested (Iron durability, scaling to Cobalt by Expert Mage) and its utilization forces the entire spell into a cooldown period that lasts two rotations.

Expert Mage Spells

Aerial Sweep (Upgrade)
The caster uses their magic to enhance the minimal windforce projected by the fast and harsh movements of a physical object through the air, whether this be a limb, weapon, or held item. The result may create a curving “wall” of pure wind force that can measure anywhere from 5x5 feet to 15x15 feet and between (caster chooses which measurement upon casting, can only change once fired as long as it’s within ten feet of the caster, smaller size costs less mana, changing the size costs mana) capable of breaking through Cobalt durabilities (scales to Titanium by High Mage rank) and harshly pushes backward physical objects that weigh 350lbs. at the most (assuming they aren’t braced or tied securely in place by anything Cobalt grade or Expert Mage in rank, scaling to Titanium/High Mage in rank upon reaching High Mage) up to twenty-five feet back with enough force to cause serious whiplash if hit. The wind force can only travel up to thirty feet away from the caster at slightly greater than moderate speeds.

Aerial Slice (Upgrade)
Much like its similarly named counterpart, Aerial Slice uses windforce projected by the fast and harsh movements of a physical object through the air--whether the source be a limb, weapon, or held item--but the results are a little different. Instead of a “wall” this spell forms an arching thin blade of wind, which can be anywhere between five feet and ten feet tall (caster chooses its size upon casting, can only be changed once fired while within ten feet of the caster, smaller sizes cost less mana, changing sizes after fire costs mana) and is capable of slicing through durabilities up to Cobalt (scaling to Titanium by High Mage). This 1 foot wide projectile trades the knockback aspects of its sibling spell for greater speed and distance, allowing it to travel up to thirty feet away from the caster before deactivating automatically at greater-than-moderate speeds. Additionally, in exchange for extra mana, one slice can be parted into six separate slices (each two inches thick) which divert diagonally from the original windforce construct but don’t part further than a foot away from each other. This doesn’t change their original direction of travel by any means, simply widens the attack’s general width while thinning the actual physical components.

Flight Aid (Upgrade)
Small spheres roughly the size of baseballs that the caster can only form against the soles of their feet or shoes (by extension suggesting up to two can be formed at once since the individual in question only has two feet). They’re compacted swirling currents that essentially act as “hover skates” allowing the caster to move up to forty feet above ground, or the nearest applicable surface that can hold her weight, in a fashion reminiscent of roller skating, reducing the physical strain associated with her flight abilities while still allowing the freedom of fast movement. Despite being orbs of moving air they have the same structural integrity as constructs of their rank, placing them at Cobalt on the durability scale (scaling to Titanium at High Mage) meaning they can be broken. This spell uses continuous mana drain as long as it’s active, but the orbs can be sacrificed for a specific purpose.
They can be fired as non-offensive projectiles (meaning they have no offensive qualities and can’t be used offensively), traveling at moderate speeds up to forty feet away. If they manage to make contact with a physical surface when in this state they will fuse together and expand into a cushiony air pocket, meant to catch a falling individual and save them from the harm of solid impact against the earth. Granted the resulting 15x15 foot air pocket only removes kinetic force from up to 40 feet of any fall, meaning that if the fall distance is greater than that limit then it’ll only account for 40 of the total distance fallen, breaking the cushion in the process. Anything up to that limitation or less will be safely negated. It’s also important to note that not only does this effect require the sacrifice of both orbs (deactivating the air skate effect entirely) but the air cushion only lasts for up to four rotations after its formation, behaves like a construct when contested (Cobalt durability, scaling to Titanium by High Mage) and its utilization forces the entire spell into a cooldown period that lasts two rotations.
Upon reaching the rank of Expert Mage a new ability for the orbs has been added to the mix, more specifically an offensive form of sacrifice. This pretty much turns them into fast projectiles (have to be aimed and fired in a specific direction) that are capable of flying up to thirty feet away from the caster. Should they make it to thirty feet, or be contested by solid materials after being fired and traveling at least ten feet away from the caster, they will explode into a powerful spherical explosion of windforce and air pressure with a 10 foot radius. At its epicenter for the first five feet the blast will be strong enough to rip through Cobalt, lessening to Steel for the second outer layer of five feet (scaling to Titanium and Cobalt at High Mage respectively). While one orb can be fired at a time for the offensive ability, having only one active after the other is detrimental to movement, forcing the caster to immediately lock both legs together so the remaining orb can center itself out between both feet to maintain any form of control and balance until they have time to reform a secondary orb to make up for the missing one. If both orbs are sacrificed the entire spell is forced into a cooldown period that lasts two rotations. Only the offensive OR defensive sacrifice for the orbs can be activated during a singular cast, can’t switch between one or the other as she pleases.